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London, 1872. The time when communication with the spirits of the dead became almost an everyday thing. Among the many mediums, Monsieur Poitier, a French-born medium who is said to have come into contact with Richard the Lionheart himself, is especially famous!
It was to him that the detectives from Scotland Yard decided to turn in the hope that the medium would help them unravel the complex case.
A week ago, a well-known industrialist, co-owner of the East India Trading Company, Lord Cornwell, was killed. His body was found under the windows of his own house, as if he had thrown himself out of a window. Nevertheless, Scotland Yard detectives are sure that it was a planned murder. They even managed to arrest three suspects. However, there are not enough important details of this crime to blame anyone. It is these details that detective Miles wants to find out from the murdered lord through a medium.
The cost of the game for a team of 7 to 10 people is from 2000 to 8000 hryvnia
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(новичок)Игра буквально пропитана мистикой. Ощущение того, что мы на реальном спиритическом сеансе, не покидало. Я был детективом - роль понравилась, даются интересные вводные данные и задачи. Ставлю 10 баллов!
(любитель)Игра была очень интересной. Можно было перевоплотиться в медиума, детектива, эксперта - все роли были интересные. Очень многое в игре зависит от поведения участников, от их решений и слов. Иногда ведущий помогал направить игру в нужное русло. Самое приятное - мы справились и вычислили преступника!